Monday, February 25, 2019

A Fair Look at Women in Ministry

I often use the forum of this blog to refute articles and essays that I feel misrepresent and twist Scripture. My reason for this is pure burden; I want to stop spiritual abuse and helping people know what the Bible really says can help them avoid being spiritually abused.

Today, I have a refreshing change of pace for you. Today, I'm praising an article and telling you why I think this is so vitally important in the ministry of the Gospel. 

This article, And now for something completely different on women in ministry by David L. Turner is worth your attention. 

So often, men in ministry leadership positions slap down their personal feelings (often disguised as "convictions") and loudly call an end to the though their opinion is the end-all to the debate. But, they are wrong. They are wrong to think their opinion matters more than mine. They are wrong to think their conclusions on Scripture are more valid than mine. 

David L. Turner has presented a different approach. He has suggested humility, further study and a respectful approach when we debate this issue. 

I would say the lack of humility and compassion has been the legacy of the vast majority of men I've talked to about this topic. 

Mr. Turner takes a different approach. He said, "Whether we identify as complementarian or egalitarian, we should agree that ministry isn’t primarily about position or status—unless we buy into “the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them” model of church leadership (Matt 20:25-28). When Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, he showed us that ministry is about serving one another  (John 13:12-17), not about who is the master and who is the servant. As Paul explained in Philippians 2:5-11,  Jesus’ example jolts us out of egocentric, status-oriented thinking, into cruciformity. This has profound implications for how we think about and enact ministry. Jesus was among us as one who serves (Luke 22:27), so we must do likewise."

I agree wholeheartedly! I wonder if the ego-filled pastors and other church leaders I've talked to would puff up their chest to Mr. Turner, raise their voices, talk down to him and shout, "WOMEN HAVE TO SUBMIT!" I don't think any of them would treat Mr. Turner that way.....but that's how they treat me and have treated a good number of women who dare to question them.

I like that Mr. Turner says that "ministry isn't primarily about position or status," and I would take it a step further and say that ministry isn't ever about position or status. It's about being a servant, as Jesus' example so clearly showed us. Perhaps we mostly need to discuss what humility is and how it works itself out in relationships with fellow believers. It does not puff up.

Be careful not to disqualify yourself by an inappropriate response lacking humility and teach-ability.
