Priscilla Principle
to Effective Bible Study
and Explained
Copyright 2014 Tricia Johnson
The Priscilla Principle
All Rights Reserved
This seems obvious. Of course one will read the text! But, I have to include this as a step of
Bible study because I have seen many people skip the reading of the text and go
right into interpretation. I’ve also heard preachers skip the reading of the
Word and go right into preaching! Yikes!
Reading the text sets the tone for your study. When studying
alone, I sometimes read the text silently, then I read it again, aloud. I
just simply read the text as my starting point. If I don't comprehend, I read
it again. If it seems incomplete, I read the verses or chapter before and after
to get the full context.
For this reason, I generally like to study through a book
of the Bible, rather than do topical studies. Topical studies aren't bad, but
they actually take more time and effort since the references might hop around
and context has to be established for each one. When topical studies are done
without establishing context for each passage used, it easily, and quite
quickly, leads to misinterpretation. Misinterpretation is a very small step
away from false teaching.
Back to point: Read the text. Do not skip this step. Read it
once, read it aloud, read it again, read it 10 times. The importance of reading
the text cannot be emphasized enough. If all you do in a single study session
is read the text 10 times, it is truly enough to get started.
When our son was deployed to Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom,
we cherished each and every one of his letters. Life in our house would
literally stop as we all gathered to read his latest letter. We wanted to read
every word, try to figure out how he felt, piece together where he was and look
for signs of hope and comfort.
When the rest of the family would scatter back to whatever they
were doing after I read the letter, I would sit down and pour over every detail
of each letter. I would notice if his handwriting seemed rushed, if he had put
a hidden message in there just for me, etc. I scoured over every detail, down
to the last dotted I or crossed T.
This is why I take my Bible to church; I want to see with my own
eyes what the pastor is preaching.
Read the text. Read every detail. Then read it again.
Observe without speculation. Don't make speculations about what
you are reading, just observe what it says.
Write down what you observe. It might be as simple as stating a
destination, or naming a person in a greeting. It doesn't matter how trivial it
may seem to you, it's still God's Word and has all the power as the rest of His
Word. So, write it down.
Thinking that part of the Word is less significant than another
part is speculation, and speculation on the Word has no place in real Bible
An example of this
is Mary Magdalene. For years, I was under the impression that she was a prostitute.
I’d heard preachers (not my husband) say that she was and they seemed to speak
with authority. One day I looked it up. I was very surprised to learn that there
is no Biblical evidence that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute at all!
I did learn,
however that seven devils went out of her at one point (Luke 8:2), she was at
the cross with Jesus’ mother (John 19:25),
she was the first to see Jesus alive after He rose from the dead, and was the
first person to tell the good news of His resurrection to others (John 20:16),
and there are more references to her. Read Matthew 27:56, 61; 28:1, Mark 15:40,
47; 16:1-19; Luke 24:10, and John 20:1-18 and observe.
She was not a prostitute.
The Bible does not say she was a prostitute.
To say she was a prostitute is to speculate on things the
Bible does not say.
Some simple observation questions that can help you focus
Who wrote this passage/book?
When was this written?
Where is the author at the time of writing?
Are they male or female?
To whom did they address their writing?
Who is talking?
What event is being recorded?
Is this event recorded elsewhere in Scripture?
Who else recorded this event?
What other book is it recorded in?
Add your own questions to this list.
There is no wrong or out of place question.
I'll outline these steps in their simplistic form here. Following
these steps will lead to proper interpretation. This list is not comprehensive,
however, but is a good start.
Grammar is important. Pay attention to grammar.
Use a Bible dictionary, not a regular dictionary, when
looking up words.
Learn to use a concordance.
Learn to use a lexicon.
Take your time; interpretation can't be rushed.
Something that really helps with interpretation is remembering
that the Bible is not a dictionary or encyclopedia, but a narrative. It is the
story of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Just as we would not take someone’s letter
and take a paragraph here or there without considering the person’s location,
relationship to us, reason for writing, etc., we should not approach the Bible
as though each book and/or verse stands alone.
Prayer is very personal and private. The Bible gives some clear
guidelines and marvelous examples of prayer that we can learn. John 17 is the
best prayer.
Once I study a passage of Scripture, prayer is forthcoming.
Prayer is a natural outcome of Bible study; this is no mystery. My prayer is
first and foremost gratitude. I'm very genuinely thankful for the
opportunity to study, for what I am able to learn, that I can access the Most
High God without a barrier or earthly mediator.
What comes after gratitude is usually meditation on the passage
I've studied. For me, this is not done in a quiet room with no interruptions. I
am the mom of eight kids; there is no such reality for me. My meditation comes
throughout the the shower....or while cooking....while folding
laundry ....while driving.....while going about my life and raising my kids.
I also pray from a list, which changes daily depending on
The private aspect of prayer seems lost to some degree due to
social media. Resist the urge to advertise your prayer life in any way. Closet
prayers are instructed, as we see in Matthew 6:6, “But when you pray, enter
into your closet , and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father in
secret: and your Father which sees in secret will reward you openly.” That’s
pretty clear instruction from the Savior, Himself! Don’t let social media lure
you into thinking otherwise.
In-depth Bible study is not just for pastors and missionaries.
It is for everyone at all times. Never let someone intimidate you about Bible
study by suggesting they know more because of a degree or higher education. The
exact same Holy Spirit indwells each and every believer. No one has more of the
Holy Spirit than another person; no one has more access to understanding than
anyone else.
Never, ever hesitate to question someone who is teaching the
Scriptures. God has given us all a personal responsibility to make sure what we
are taught, and what is taught in our churches, is Truth. Question your pastor.
Question the youth leader. Question every Bible teacher you come across. If
they balk at your questions, they are responding unbiblically. If they assert
their opinion about the Scriptures, they are not a humble teacher. A Bible
teacher worthy of their calling will not only welcome questions, but invite
them, and be ready with an answer to any question they are asked.
Philippians 1:9 tells us that Paul prayed for the Philippians’
“love to abound more and more in knowledge and in all discernment.” He went on,
in verses 10 – 11 to expound further. Read it and see. God did not encourage us
to deeper study without His Spirit, the all-powerful Spirit of All-Mighty God,
to guide us. Study with confidence. Dig
deep with passion.
If you have access to Bible study software, get it and don’t be
intimidated by it on any level. My personal favorite is Logos and I have found
it to be very user friendly. Software is pretty much all the same, so once you
learn one program, you can figure out any program easily.
I encourage you to take no one’s word for what the Bible says; look
it up for yourself. Take God’s Word for what He says, not what someone else
says about His Word.
You would be better off just reading the Scriptures with no
study tools whatsoever than to rely on a commentary for Bible study.
Let nothing come between you and your Savior as you study
His Word.
For a downloadable, printable .pdf copy of this e-book, email me here.
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