Friday, April 25, 2014

She Started It!

Some promoters of the modern Patriarchal Movement teach that women should not be working outside the home. As a matter of fact, I've heard some proponents of this movement say that women, to be biblical, belong in the home. Some have gone so far as to say that it's "God's will" for women to be homemakers and not have careers outside the home. They have stated that the downfall of American society started when women went to work outside the home.

What many proponents of this theory fail to see is that the Proverbs 31 woman started it. Technically, there were "working women" long before the Proverbs 31 woman. We have to think of Miriam, who helped lead Israel. Deborah, a righteous judge, who led men and women alike with no hesitation. There's also Huldah, the prophetess, to whom male leaders went for instruction and help. And there are others.

But, for the sake of this blog post, I want to talk about the Proverbs 31 woman and make a few observations. First of all, King Lemuel's mother, clearly a woman, instructed him. This, alone, goes against our modern patriarchal movement. My experience in this movement speaks against women teaching men in any capacity whatsoever, let alone with Biblical authority. Yes, they even think mothers shouldn't be teaching sons once they reach a certain age.

There's more. Let's look at the Proverbs 31 woman's specific work.

The Proverbs 31 woman was a buyer. Verse 13 tells us "She seeks wool and flax."

She was an international trader. Verse 14 states, "She is like the merchant ships; she brings her food from afar."

She was a chef. Verse 15 tells us she "rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household."

She was also a real estate investor. Verse 16 says, "She considers a field and buys it." There is no hint of her husband being involved in her real estate dealings.

She was also a farmer. Verse 16 also says, "With her profits, she plants a vineyard." This also shows that she made her own financial decisions.

She is an astute business woman. Verse 18 tells us she "perceives that her merchandise is good." She can judge what is good and profitable for herself.

She was a weaver. Verse 19 says, "She stretches out her hand to the distaff; her hands hold the spindle."

She was a philanthropist. Verse 20 tells how she stretched out her hand to the poor and needy.

She was a seamstress. Verse 22 says "She makes tapestry for herself."

She was an entrepreneur. Verse 24 tells us she makes linen garments and sells them.

She was a merchant supplier. Verse 24 tells us, "She supplies sashes for the merchants."

In light of her vast career experience, I would say that the Proverbs 31 woman was a working woman. On a personal level, I am a stay-at-home mom and have been, for the most part, for 32 years. However, I am not a stay-at-home mom because I believe the Bible teaches that that is the only way. Far from it. I am a stay-at-home mom because I choose to be. However, I have always worked from home, as well as worked in the home.

I have run several businesses from my home, including a real estate investing business, a rental property business, a grief aftercare business, a retail business and my free lance writing work. I feel privileged to be able to work from home, but I am not superior in my choices. I admire women who work outside the home and well as in the home. I wanted to home school my kids and working outside the home would not have allowed that to happen. Again, this is not a superior choice.

This is old news. This is an old argument. I'm not giving new information here and I know that. I just hope it's a simple reminder that working women are not new, nor are they out of place or making wrong choices by working. We women started working from the beginning and we will work till the end. The poor men who are threatened by women in the work force should simply step up and make better choices for themselves. We women aren't going anywhere. When a man speaks out in a negative way about women working, he's only showing his weakness. We're not waiting for or asking for permission. We're just doing what we have done down through the ages. And we're doing it with our God's blessing.


Saturday, April 19, 2014

A Faith-Driven Plan Undone

Some thoughts on Mark 15:37 - 16:8

They started out with the best of intentions. They had watched Jesus die. They had seen Him get taken down from the cross. They saw where He was buried. They saw that a stone was rolled in front of the tomb. They saw it all. Three women on a mission.

They made a plan. Early in the morning, at sunrise, on the first day of the week, they met and brought spices they had purchased. They had a plan. They were going to anoint Jesus' dead body with the spices. They made their way to the tomb and while walking, they wondered aloud who was going to move the stone that was blocking the tomb entrance.

They had no idea how to move the stone. They had no idea if anyone was going to be around to move the stone. They faced this huge obstacle with one action: they kept going. They had a plan to anoint His body and even the fact that they had no access to the tomb He was in did not stop them from going anyway.

So, they got there. The large stone was already gone! It was completely moved out of the way!

They walked into the tomb, very likely still planning to anoint Jesus' body. A young man sat there and they were immediately afraid. He told them not to be afraid. He told them they sought Jesus. He told them Jesus was not there. He told them He was risen. They got a new assignment. They were told to go and tell the disciples that He had risen.

There would be no anointing of a dead body for there was no dead body to anoint.

Three women on a new mission.
Imagine such a mission!
Got obstacles?
Not a problem. They are nothing to God.
Keep moving. You will find your obstacles already moved.

Happy Resurrection Day!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

It Was a Baby

I recently met a Christian woman who is the mother of nine children. A mutual friend thought the two of us should meet since I am the mother of eight children. This mutual friend thought we would have a lot in common. Indeed.

Upon meeting this mother of nine, I mentioned that I really was the mother of nine, too, since we had lost our first baby. I told her I felt so privileged to be able to subsequently give birth to eight healthy people. To my mention of my loss, she said, "Oh...did you lose a pregnancy or a baby?"

Stunned, I said, "Well, um....I was pregnant...."

"Yeah," she said with the wave of her hand, "I lost a few pregnancies along the way, too."

That was the end of the conversation, but I have not been able to get it out of my head. Mainly, I'm disappointed in myself that I did not correct her and tell her that my pregnancy was a baby. I wanted to make her stop being dismissive and give me the nod of sympathy I deserved.

This is why, when I meet someone who has lost a baby while still pregnant, I look them in the eye and say, "I'm so sorry for your loss."

Losing a pregnancy is losing a baby. There is no way around that. I lost my first baby, not just my first pregnancy. I will never forget the devastation I felt and the hopeless feeling of failure that brought to me. It has been 33 years, yet I still remember those feelings very vividly.

But, I can't remember the name of that mother of nine I recently met.

Cherish every pregnancy as if there's real baby growing in there, because there is.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

What Are You Afraid Of?

What are you afraid of? No matter what it is, my latest e-book can help you see how much fear is not to be feared.  The Fear Manual contains a simple explanation of how fear works - and how you can make it ineffective in your life. Taking the upper hand with fear, you can take an offensive approach that causes fear to flee.

You CAN cause fear to stand down. You CAN live a life free of fear. You CAN know when it will come and be prepared.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I have a dear friend who lives in South America. He's a pastor and a teacher and loves the Lord Jesus Christ and passionately lives for Him, spreading His Good News of soul-saving grace. This friend also provokes people. He provokes intentionally, methodically and often. Yes, he provokes people ON PURPOSE. He doesn't seem to care what others think of him, either. I am amazed by him.

Provoking people does not go well with modern-day Christian thinking. I read this article today on The Matt Walsh Blog and I have to say, I agree with nearly everything this man had to say. (The one comment I would take exception to is not part of this topic, so I'll let it lie for now.) Nice is being exalted above Truth in many, many churches and in the lives of many professing Christians.

How are we fulfilling The Great Commission if we are simply being nice? Being nice is subjective on all sides. What I might consider nice may not necessarily be considered nice by someone else. I've "nicely" told the truth to someone only to be accused of having the wrong body language, or not having a kind enough tone in my voice. Those things are all subjective. I had no guile in my tone; the hearer read their own dissatisfaction into my tone.

We can be nice.....which might make people around us happy.....but they will be happy all the way to Hell and that is completely unacceptable.

I want to become more like my provoking friend. He told me about his brother-in-law, how that brother-in-law was an unbeliever. He said, "I provoked my brother-in-law every time I saw him. I kept on provoking him. He got angry sometimes, but I kept provoking him. Then, one day, he believed on Jesus. You can be sure he's glad I did not give up on provoking him."

Do you love people? Provoke them.