Monday, October 12, 2020

Book Review - Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly

I just finished reading Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly and I can't get it out of my mind. This book has stayed with me. An historical novel, it's based on the true stories of several women who lived - and didn't live - through the Holocaust. Their stories are followed from the start of WWII until long after the end. Some were killed; some were tortured; some were the torturers; some were simply bystanders trying to get through the day. All were affected. 

A few things that stayed with me and why: 

A common phrase, "For the greater good," was used frequently to gain control of people. But those people, no matter how complaint they were with this mandate, were killed anyway. It reminded me of 2020 in that people were forced to give up their livelihood and shut down "for the greater good." It gives me shivers. Just 2 weeks of shutdown? wasn't true. They take your livelihood without a second thought. They will leave you in the hospital alone without a second thought. All "for the greater good."

The innocent were killed. Many, many women, children and men alike were killed for simply existing. It reminded me of abortion today. Many thousands of babies are killed daily for simply existing. 

Those who dared to speak out were quickly hushed by those who wanted to comply with the "new order." They were encouraged to tattle tale - and some did, to the detriment of their loved ones they tattled on. No one could be trusted as a result. 

The thousands of victims were lied to at every step and it sounded reasonable and plausible each and every time. Today, we are lied to on a regular basis by certain media and certain politicians who want their way. Pregnant women are lied to so they'll kill their babies. It's all lies, just like it was then. 

Read this book. See how things played out in people's everyday lives. Look at how "good" and "righteous" they made the compliance sound while they lined the compliant up, naked, at the top of mass graves and killed them all. 

Today, girls line up in a waiting room, repeatedly told that what they are doing in aborting their baby is "for the greater good" because it would be horrible to bring an "unwanted" child into this world who may end up in poverty. 

Those who work to protect individual liberties protect your liberties as well as their own. They don't bow to the "for the greater good" mantra because they already know it's a lie. Do not be fooled. There is no "greater good." There is only "good for me too bad for you" in the politician's voices. Not one politician gave up their salary for the shutdown. Not one missed a paycheck. You may scramble to pay your rent or mortgage but they never do. Nothing is for the "greater good." Nothing.

Let Lilac Girls be a stark reminder of how easily the people fell for the lies. I highly recommend this book. 


Monday, October 5, 2020

I Started taking Hydroxychloroquine - Here's What Happened

Because I had a mild stroke in April and I felt my body had enough to recover from, I asked my doctor for Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a preventative for the Wuhan Virus. 

She said no.

I then asked my neurologist the same thing. 

He said no.

So, I contacted America's Front Line doctors at and they, through a virtual visit, agreed with me and prescribed it for me. The pharmacy was only allowed to give me 11 pills. They cost $30.00. 

I took one a day for five days, then one per week. I take 200 mg once per week now. That's it.

Here's what happened to me since I've been on it:

    The arthritis in my right hand is no longer a problem. This hand was broken a few years ago, and even with a doctor's referral, an orthopedic doctor would not treat me. No reason given. So, I wrapped it up myself and after about three months, it seemed to heal but developed arthritis. It was so painful I had to wear a brace for over a year to be able to sleep and was taking Tylenol twice a day for the pain.

Since taking HCQ, my hand no longer hurts, no longer swells and has gained the strength it had lost. I can grip again....a feature I had lost.....and am able to move and use my hand like it never had a problem!

Based on that, I wanted to be able to keep taking HCQ past my 11 pills, but the governor of our state has put restrictions on it. However, the same doctor was able to prescribe it for me and give me more than a year's supply because he prescribed it for arthritis this time and we used a different pharmacy. Only two pharmacies in my city will dispense it.

I was able to get 60 pills for $85.00.


The second benefit is, my severe eczema has cleared up. By severe, I mean at one point I had eczema from head to toe over 80% of my body. I tried all kinds of things over the past four years since it broke out and nothing provided lasting relief. While the 80% had finally cleared to less than 20%, it was still severe in that it would break out to the point where it broke the skin and was very painful and bleed. I thought I'd have to deal with it for the rest of my life.

Enter HCQ. 

I had no idea it works on severe eczema! My skin has healed and I have had no breakouts since I started HCQ. Sometimes I have a little itching, but NO breakouts! I am amazed. 


For my arthritis any my eczema, I hope to take this for the rest of my life.

Bonus: I'll likely never have a respiratory disease because of it, either! 


If you're worried about negative side effects, I have had none. At such a low dose, 200 mg once per week,  side effects are nil. As with any drug, a higher dose would be dangerous, but my low dose makes it safe and effective. The doctor who prescribed it is so pleased about the eczema because he told me he had no idea! It's nice to have a doctor humble enough to admit that.

So, that's my HCQ story!
