I was in high school when Roe v Wade was finalized and abortion was made legal. I was clueless and ill-informed, trying to get through each day as most teens do. My main focus was home, my seven siblings and a few close friends.
I may have been clueless and ill-informed, but even in my teenage state of mind, I knew unborn babies were babies. I knew abortion was wrong, had always been wrong and would always be wrong. Maybe it was that I was raised on a farm. I knew a pregnant cat would eventually give birth to kittens because her pregnancy was actually kittens growing inside her. I knew a new calf was the result of the pregnancy of the mother cow. I knew turtle eggs would mean turtles hatching, that robin eggs meant baby robins were going to hatch.
I also knew that destroying turtle eggs was the same as destroying turtles. I knew if one of the cats got to the robin eggs, they would be having unhatched baby robins for lunch. I knew this from observation and common sense (which my dad would call horse sense to this day). It was common knowledge to me that abortion meant killing a baby and killing a baby is wrong.
Imagine my confusion when I heard pro-abortionists argue that a fetus is just a bunch of cells and not a baby. At first I thought they were just clueless and ill-informed. I remember thinking that someone needed to educate them so they would realize abortion meant they were killing babies - and surely they would put a stop to it. In my young mind, abortion was unthinkable.
I knew what a fetus was - it translates "little one," and not just any little one - a human little one. A little human. Specifically, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, "a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth." Prior to two months after conception, the child is called an embryo. These are simply terms and they are describing different stages of life. Not one of these terms denies the humanity of a fetus/embryo/baby.
I knew abortion was wrong even in my limited understanding of things as a clueless teen. I knew!
Today, the Colorado legislature voted down a bill that would require doctors to provide medical care to babies who survive abortion. They voted it down. How can they think this is acceptable? The bill is talking about babies born alive. Think of it. A baby, born after a failed abortion, left to die of neglect. I shudder.
Just like that, abortion has transitioned to infanticide. It didn't really take that long, less than a generation. Other states have done the same thing. The stuff of horror films has been a legal reality for helpless babies since 1973. Horror. Absolute horror.
May God have mercy on their souls.
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