Friday, September 6, 2024

Stifle Yourself!

 I recently met Trudy*. Trudy is a brand new Christian and very passionate about her faith and her Savior.

This is a good thing.

Trudy is also a newlywed. Her husband, Greg*, has been a Christian since he was a child, having grown up in a Christian home where the gospel was taught.

Her husband is not nearly as passionate about his faith as Trudy. She wants to share her new faith with everyone, no matter where she is. 

Trudy does not feel free to share the gospel like she wants to because she's looking to her new husband for leadership and he does not want to share the gospel hardly at all.

She feels stifled, but she's been told by Christian leaders in her life that her husband is her leader. She's very frustrated that her enthusiasm has essentially been gagged because her husband's burden to share the gospel is not as great.

Trudy expressed great frustration over this to me.

My advice to Trudy? 

Leave your husband in the dust and pursue Jesus with gusto. If his enthusiasm never matches yours, it's not your problem. That is between him and Jesus. Your relationship with Jesus belongs to you, alone. Your husband has no say whatsoever on the matter. Share the gospel whenever you can, wherever you are, with whomever you please. You answer to no other person for your relationship with Jesus, not even your husband.

"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men (mankind), the man Christ Jesus." 

I Timothy 2:5

Ladies, do not let anyone come between you and your Savior, not even a husband. Our churches have well assisted the devil in stifling women under the guise of "submission," which is what Trudy has been experiencing. Trudy is one of many I have met.  It's shameful. 

Utterly shameful.

*Not their real names.


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